Fourth Grade Supply List
Fourth Grade
1 pair of headphones/earbuds with a standard sized 3.5 mm jack (not wireless)
2 marble Composition notebooks
1 box of 12 Crayola colored pencils
1 box of 12 thin Crayola markers
1 box of 12 thick Crayola markers
1 6-pack of EXPO dry-erase markers
1 pair of 5” Fiskars pointed tip scissors
2 large Elmer’s School glue sticks (no bottles)
24 #2 Ticonderoga or Dixon pencils
4 black Papermate Flair felt tip markers
24 #2 Ticonderoga or Dixon pencils
3 Pink Pearl erasers
1 three ring pencil pouch
ONE 3 inch D ring binder with clear plastic cover

3 pkgs. of 100 count 3” x 3” Post-It notes
1 package of loose leaf standard ruled paper
2 large boxes of Kleenex tissues
1 large container of Clorox wipes
*Each teacher may request additional specific classroom items.