Coping Strategies

We all experience a wide range of emotions including happy, sad, angry, and/or anxious. All of these feelings are normal. Support your student in handling (or coping with) their emotions by introducing and modeling positive coping strategies. Here are a variety of resources and activities to support coping skills. How we handle our emotions can make a world of difference!


Identifying Emotions and Coping Strategies

This resource identifies several basic emotions and positive coping strategies that can be used when experiencing a given emotion. Encourage your student to identify one strategy that would work best for them. Practice the strategy often when your student is calm so it becomes second nature when needed!



In My Feelings - Cool Down Workbook

Use this workbook as a resource to help your student identify their feeling(s) and move through a series of coping strategies including selecting a coping skill, reading calming affirmations, and completing a breathing exercise.


Calm Down Connect-4

Encourage your student to complete 4 calming activities to earn a Connect-4!



Breathing Techniques

Deep breathing is an effective way to calm yourself when experiencing challenging situations or emotions. Encourage your student to find one deep breathing strategy that works for them! See below for a variety of resources supporting deep breathing!
